Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Chronicles of D'oh-bama

And so the fun starts ...

1) First press conference = first formal apology. Cheap shot at Nancy Reagon ... guess he was just trying to show-off how hip and cool he is for all his Obamabots.

2) Office of the President-Elect?????? Presumptive and arrogant ... you betcha, wink, wink. Potentially illegal ... check the rules covering usage of the .gov namespace, seems pretty cut and dried to me. Makes me wonder what be the political persuasion of the head of the GSA which controls the assignment of .gov urls. Could it be he/she is a Obama supporter as was that woman in Ohio behind the 'Joe the Plumber' vetting? Enquiring minds want to know.

3) Then again was already taken and definitely more interesting ... check it out.

4) Have seen and read numerous posts and comments regarding his color scheme (blue and white instead of red, white and blue) for his acceptance speech and press conference. Call me the conspiracy theorist, but check out the UN's home page ... notice the resemblance?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Will the real Obama please come down ...

You're the next contestant on Who's our President?Congratulations Mr. Obama on a battle well fought. You are now the man in the spotlight and the buck will stop with you. No more chances to hide your past and what it does or doesn't truly represent. For our country's sake, I hope my fears, concerns and apprehensions regarding the course you intend to take our country on are all unfounded. Now we get to find out who you really are. Are you the man of your speeches, campaign promises and endless advertising? Or are you really something else? Unlike your college transcript, your presidential transcript will be an open book. America faces a multitude of challenges and problems ... things that will take much, much more than simple Hope (and fistfuls of Government money) to resolve. I wish you and our wonderful country the absolute best of luck, but our voices will not be silenced. Like a dog barking in the night, our voices will be the constant reminder that WE THE PEOPLE are the owner's of this country. You have been granted the extreme privilege of being our President for the next 4 years ... please lead wisely.


Election Tuesday

Why hold elections on Tuesday? Check out for a detailed explanation, but suffice it to say the original reasoning no longer really applies. The original logic is ascribed to details regarding travel times via horse and buggy and what day was 'Market' day. The way gas prices and the economy are currently going this may become apropos once again, but for now Tuesday seems an illogical choice. Interestingly enough, there is a bill currently pending before both Houses of Congress ( which would establish election day as a National Holiday known as Democracy Day. Probably the most straight-forward, least-wordy piece of legislation I have ever encountered. I like the idea, but would propose we take the idea even further. Rather than Tuesday (as the bill proposes), let's move the election to Monday instead. Although the usual suspects ... schools, banks, the post office ... would observe the (Tuesday) holiday, businesses would not be keen to interrupt the work week. Let's make it Monday. People love a three-day weekend, so let's give them one with some with some real significance. For many, Memorial Day and Labor Day hold real meaning, but for most they simply provide a much-needed break from the normal weekly, work grind. Let's have Election weekend ... a final hurrah for candidates to make their speeches and to stump their last stumps. To take it even further, I would call for a mandatory 'cease-fire' come Election Day Monday starting at 12:01am. No more pontificating, no more advertising, no more speechifying, no more glorious self-aggrandizement. Just a day of simple reflection on the sacrifices, past and present, that allow us to take part in the continuing shaping of our nation that happens inside the polling booth.


The big election

In case you hadn't noticed there is a little election being held today. Early indications point to potential record turn-outs. And this is a absolutely wonderful thing ... absolutely wonderful, that is if this enthusiasm, involvement and enfranchisement can be continued beyond the polls, beyond the voting booths and beyond the election. Whoever the winner, now is the time to take back at least a modicum of control from the DC politicos. Presidential approval is in the toilet, congressional approval doesn't even reach that level. Yes, many seats will change hands today in both Houses of the Congress, but the majority will remain in the hands of the same-old, same-olds. The new President-elect will become the Alpha dog amongst our Washington top-dogs, but the Congressional pack will continue to hold more power than many give credit or completely understand. Power that is without any real limits or limitations beyond the collective control we can only exert in the voting booth during elections. Congress may talk about self-imposed term limits, but it will NEVER happen unless we the people force the issue. More on this later ... duty and nature call.
